You may select the food you like the most among permitted one, which doesn’t cause allergy or isn’t medically contraindicated to you.
While on a cut, you may eat the following food or similar one.
Eggs: hen, quail and other birds eggs, powdered egg, egg white.
Fish and sea food: all kinds of white fish and salmons, caviar, squids, crab, shrimps, cucumaria, lobster, mussels, lamprey, octopus, crayfish, sea cucumber, oysters, etc.
Meat, poultry, by-products: turkey, chicken, duck, rabbit, lamb meat, beef, horse meat, pork, bacon, pork fat and various innards of mentioned animals and birds.
Dairy products: yoghurt, kefir, sour milk, boiled fermented milk, cottage cheese, soybean curd, cheese, dairy cream, sour cream.
Fruits: avocado.
Vegetables and herbs: eggplant, broccoli, sea weed, Japanese radish, zucchini, cabbage, onion, cucumber, olives, parsley, pepper, tomato, garden radish, rocket salad, lettuce, celery, asparagus, dill, chrain, wild leek, garlic, spinage, sorrel. This food is additional to the main nutrition plan. It’s better to eat less than 500g in a day.
Mushrooms: porcini mushroom, milk mushroom, girolle, butter mushroom, honey fungus, rough boletus, orange-cap boletus, saffron milk cap, truffle, white mushroom, shiitake mushroom and other edible ones. This food is additional to the main nutrition plan. It’s better to eat less than 500g in a day.
Nuts and seeds: walnut, cashew nut, peanut, almond, pistache, hazel-nut, various seeds: gingelly, poppy seed, sunflower, flax, etc. This food is additional to the main nutrition plan. It’s better to eat less than 50g in a day.
Desserts: unsweetened chocolate made of cocoa powder or butter (no more than 15% carbs). This product may form part of meal. It’s better to eat less than 20g in a day.